OJT Report
OJT reports are due no later than the 10th day of the month following the reporting month. OJT reports not turned in by this date will result in a 30 day setback.
For example: January’s OJT report is due no later than the 10th day of February. An OJT report shall be submitted monthly even if there are no hours worked by the apprentice in the preceding month. OJT forms are available at each of the training centers and can be obtained from any PPATA instructor or online at www.ppata.com/forms.
The following methods of submission are acceptable:

4501 Hoffman Road
Little Rock, AR 72209
Submit electronically to
Ryan Britton at rbritton@ppata.com
This policy is in force even when school is not in session.
The Apprenticeship Evaluation form is available in interactive Adobe PDF format with printing and submission options built in. Simply click on the form, download, fill it out, email the completed form to the address at the bottom of the form.
Apprentice Evaluation OJT Form
For more information or questions, visit our Contact Page or call (501) 562-4482.